I Am Women A Contemporary Dance - 29.05.15

Posted: Apr, 6th 2015


The Ethio - French Alliance is pleased to invite you to dance contemporary "I 'm a woman ," a collaboration between Jessie Brett (United Kingdom) and Meseret Jirga ( Adugna Co.) at the Alliance Ethio - French in Addis Ababa. Jessie Brett dancer, choreographer and instructor formed the "London Contemporary Dance School and CalArts," has a long international career. Meseret Jirga is a dancer, choreographer and teacher trained as a member of the dance company Adugna.

This piece is performed by five dancers with disabilities and non -disabled people from different culture, based on their personal experiences and aims to inspire women to have confidence in them.

This project is supported by the " Wales Arts International" and 49 supporters of a fundraising campaign online in UK.



30 May 2014 at 4:00am - 30 May 2014 at 5:00am
Alliance Ethio-Francaise Wavel street, B.P. 1733 Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia
Price: FREE
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