Africa Utopia: Africa Calling - 12-14.09.14

Posted: Apr, 7th 2015

Work by new and established designers from Africa and the diaspora.

Africa Calling is curated by Kathy Shenoy (Shake the Dust) and Liezel Strauss (Subject Matter Art). This showcase highlights the work of new and established designers from Africa and the diaspora who are challenging 'African aesthetics' and exploring new collaborations and cross-cultural connections.

Focussing on designers, artists and collaborations from Africa's southern tip and the UK, this showcase includes a specially commissioned collaboration between upcycled furniture designer Yinka Ilori (UK/Nigeria) and knitwear designer Laduma Ngxokolo (South Africa).

Other exhibits include work by graphic artist Lakwena Maciver (UK/Uganda), the woven vessels of fair trade, artisan design cooperative Gone Rural (Swaziland), recycled plastic lights by Heath Nash (South Africa) and nature-inspired wallpaper by Clinton Friedman (South Africa).

12 September 2014 at 6:00pm - 15 September 2014 at 7:00am
Level 2 Foyers at Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre Belvedere Road London SE1 8XX
Price: FREE
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