Images of the Gospels Through Ethiopian and European Eyes

Posted: Mar, 10th 2019 Contributor: Bilen Shifferaw,

Explore the links between Ethiopian and European illustrations of the Gospels

In this illustrated lecture, historian Dorothea McEwan, compares two 17th-century illuminated Gospel manuscripts, one held in the British Library, the other in Ethiopia, with their European source, the Evangelium arabicum, printed in Rome in 1591.

Dorothea McEwan studied History at the University of Vienna where she was awarded her PhD. She moved to London and worked in the British Library cataloguing the John Churchill, First Duke of Marlborough papers.

She was the Archivist in The Warburg Institute, University of London, and now devotes her time to researching illuminated Ethiopian manuscripts. She has published widely on historical and theological topics. Dorothea was awarded the Cross of Honour in Art and Sciences from the President of the Republic of Austria and was elected Associate Fellow of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences.

14 May 2019 at 3:15am - 14 May 2019 at 4:30am
British Library, Knowledge Centre The British Library 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB
Price: Full Price: £10.00 Member: £10.00 Under 18: £7.00
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